Reaching for Heaven

Reaching for Heaven

Join other parishioners for this four-week book discussion, starting on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. (after the 9 a.m. Mass).

As you grow older, you’ll find that life takes on a new rhythm, one where you can shed the responsibilities that once consumed your days. The hours at work and the bustling activities of parenthood or other vocations have now transformed into something different—a fresh chapter of life filled with new opportunities for reflection and growth. It’s your time to pivot and focus on how God will judge your life and how to make a final push for getting to heaven.

Through personal stories, humor, and practical advice, Michael Amodei—a lifelong Catholic with a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and the University of Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish—shares fourteen practices to help enrich your spirituality as you strive for heaven.

Sign up at: www.osvhub.com/smip/forms/reaching-for-heaven