Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
Grace Blaszak at 815.254.7078
Men’s Club
The Men’s Club (S.M.I.M.C.) is comprised of SMI parish and school men. They execute fundraising activities and provide servies to the parish community. It was formed to develop fellowship, camaraderie, and fundraising for the SMI parish and school.
Robert Isaacs,
New Parishioner Welcome Team
This ministry introduces new parishioners to St. Mary Immaculate Parish. Our goal is to help new parishioners feel welcomed, guide them into a ministry that suits their talents and interests, and register them as official members of our faith community.
If you would like to register as a parishioner, simply go to complete our online registration form.
You may also register in-person, and get a tour of our campus, at our Welcome Gathering held on the 4th Sunday of the month, during six months of the year, at 10:15 a.m. in the gym. Check the parish website and bulletin for dates.
If you’d like to join our ministry and help to welcome new parishioners, please contact Laura Van Ham for
more information.
Laura Van Ham at 815-436-2651, Ext. 887 or
St. Helen’s Divorced Faith and Fellowship Club
Introducing a support group for Catholics in the Joliet Diocese experiencing divorce
St. Helen’s Divorced Faith and Fellowship Club offers ongoing fellowship and peer ministry for any Catholic in the diocese who is divorced or undergoing divorce.
Our club is a welcoming and understanding group of Catholics who accompany one another on our healing journeys. We encourage one another to live a life of faith, remain in Christian community, and grow spiritually as Christians.
Ready to connect?
Share your contact info with us and we’ll reach out.
St. Mary’s Seniors
The Seniors are a group of active, adult parishioners who come together once a month in faith and fellowship. The monthly gathering meets from January thru October on the 4th Wednesday of the month and begins at 11:00 a.m. with either Mass or a Communion Service, followed by a brief meeting and potluck lunch. Watch the Bulletin for information about guest speakers and programs.
Paul & Ardith Stadtherr, 630.464.7434
Sunday Hospitality
St. Mary’s offers this fellowship opportunity in the gym on the 3rd Sunday of each month, after the morning masses. Please check the parish bulletin for specific dates. This is a chance to meet and greet fellow parishioners over a cup of coffee or juice and some donuts and fruit.
There are two shifts available each month. Volunteers for the first shift (7:15 a.m. until 10:15 a.m.) set up and serve. Volunteers for the second shift (9:45 a.m. until 12:45 p.m.) serve and clean up. New team members are always needed and welcomed.
Laura Van Ham, 815.436.2651 x887