

The Confirmation program consists of two years of preparation, generally in the 7th and 8th grades. The Candidates receive the sacrament in the fall after completing this preparation. Retreats, service opportunities, and catechetical development are provided by the Confirmation staff with the help of adult mentors. Public School students meet with their mentors for study and service; St. Mary’s School students receive religious instruction during the school day and perform service projects.

Recognizing the importance of parents in the faith development of their children, parents are asked to attend sessions with their adolescent once a month in the Church. Our goal is to support and inform parents so they are prepared to pass on the faith and answer their children’s questions.

Along with the commitment to attend these monthly sessions, each family is asked to read and reflect on the Mass Readings of the day, perform four family service projects each year, and attend weekly Mass.

For more information about the program, or to volunteer to share your faith as a mentor, please call Anna Taylor (ataylor@smip.org) at the Confirmation office, 815.436.2861, Ext. 877 or click here.

Knights of the Holy Temple

The Knights of the Holy Temple are an altar serving fraternity for young men of high school age.  We seek to grow in faith and authentic masculinity through prayer, mutual support, and service to the church.


Bob Lighthiser (Confrere) – at 630. 965.1497 or bob.lighthiser@icloud.com

Father James Guarascio (Chaplain) at 815.436.2651, x848 or fatherjames@smip.org

Religious Education

It is the mission of the Elementary Religious Education Program to recognize, welcome, teach and empower the youngest members, grades K-6, of our parish as effective builders of the Kingdom of God. In order to accomplish this, the Religious Education Program calls upon parents, the catechists, the parish community and its leadership to collectively develop and foster our children’s understanding of the teachings of Jesus so that they might, individually and communally, utilize their gifts and their wisdom to give form and spirit to this Body of Christ we call the Church.


Grades K-6
Weekly classes are offered to the children of the parish to grow in their faith and understanding of our religion. Classes typically run mid-September through the beginning of May.

Faith Basics
For older students who come to us who are in need of preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, we have a special program geared directly for them.  Our Faith Basics program meets on Saturdays and walks with these students in their first two years of formal religious education.  After the two year preparation period, these students will receive their sacraments together.

Special Needs Religious Education
To meet the needs of all of our students we offer a variety of avenues to address their individual learning needs.  We employ everything from adaptive lessons, 1:1 aides, to a stand-alone Special Needs classroom.  If your child has unique educational needs, please call us so we can develop the best religious education experience for them. 

Registration forms for Religious Education are available to you at the Religious Education Office located in the Commons area. Ask the Receptionist for directions.

For more information contact Bridget Melzacki, RE Co-Coordinator, at 815.436.4501, Ext. 852, bmelzacki@smip.org or Patti Adams, RE Co-Coordinator, at 815.436.4501, Ext. 836, padams@smip.org, or click here.

Youth Formation

“I have come that they may have life, and have it in abundance.”  John 10:10

Join us throughout the year as we seek to live as friends and disciples of Jesus who actively participate in the life and mission of the Church.  We will support, encourage, and challenge one another on the journey and adventure of faith.   Whether still curious or already committed, we want to take the next steps to grow in our love for God and one another!

Be sure to check the bulletin regularly for upcoming formation events including large group activities and speakers, small study and faith sharing groups, retreats, mission experiences as well as regular service and social opportunities. 


Eric Futterer at 815.436.2651, x814 or efutterer@smip.org