“I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance!” John 10:10
Youth Ministry News and Events
All high school teens are invited to join us at our youth nights 2x a month on Sundays from from 7-8:30pm.
We meet in the Unity Room (upstairs in Cana Hall wing) unless otherwise noted.
We like to have fun, sing, share, pray, laugh, eat, and ultimately strive to grow in our faith! Bring a friend and come when you can!
Upcoming Meetings
Sunday, January 12
Sunday, January 26
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, February 23
Sunday, January 26
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, February 23

Steubenville 2025
For more information or to register for any of these events, please contact:
Eric Futterer
St. Mary Immaculate Youth Formation Coordinator
(815) 436-2651 ext. 814