Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement ministry is comprised of committees; each having a responsibility of providing comfort to families at a time of loss of a loved one. The committee will help to guide in all aspects of the planning for a funeral
Janet Fastabend at 815.505.0911 or
Caregivers’ Support Group (Nourish)
We invite you to connect with other caregivers. Nourish for Caregivers supports the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all who offer care for others during this time of uncertainty and anxiety. Monthly meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month in the St. Anne Room.
Deacon Mike Perkins, 815-436-2651, Ext. 480, or
Pat Mander, 815-436-2651, Ext. 893, or
Daybreak Meal to Feed the Homeless
This is a parish ministry and we ask all parishioners to please sign up to donate food to the hungry. Our meals are on the first Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September and November. The donation signup is online at See the bulletin or parish website for details.
Chris McLawhorn at 815.436.8374 or or Kathy Hall at 815.436.2729 or
Easter Baskets
This program is an opportunity for our Faith Community to help children celebrate Easter. A variety of items are collected to fill baskets for children at Groundwork, Daybreak Shelter, etc.
Bridget Carlson at 312.420.2267
Employment Ministry
Professional Talent Acquisition Manager, Todd Barber, would like to help you on your path to employment. Offered zoom sessions include topics such as effective networking, resumes and interviewing.
Todd Barber at 317.966.0555 or
Funeral Luncheon
Depending on parish facility availability, a funeral luncheon may be an option for families planning a weekday funeral Mass. Families will pay for the main meal, but desserts will be donated by parishioners, and coffee, water and lemonade will be provided by the parish. Members of the funeral luncheon ministry will help with set up, serving and clean-up.
Requests for funeral luncheons should be directed to Laura Van Ham at 815-436-2651, x887. She will verify availability for the date requested. If a luncheon is scheduled, the number of expected guests will determine the cost for the family.
The opportunities to serve within this ministry are many and varied. We need set-up and clean-up help, those willing to make phone calls from a call list and those who would like to “gift” a parish family with a dessert on an occasional basis by placing their name on our call list.
Laura Van Ham, 815-436-2651 x887
Giving Tree
Each year at Christmas, the Giving Tree offers each member of our Faith Community the chance to remember someone less fortunate with a small gift or by adopting an entire family. We provide gifts to various organizations
Robin Contreras at 815.814.8457 or
Interfaith Food Pantry of Plainfield
The Plainfield Interfaith Food Pantry distributes food to over 250 families a month and the numbers keep growing. The Pantry is in need of help Mondays through Saturdays in the morning. Volunteers gather at the Vulcan
The Pantry works through all kinds of weather and confidentiality is a must. Children younger than high school age are not permitted due to the nature of the work. Drivers with trucks are also needed to pick up food donations from local grocery stores.
Pat Cork, 815.439.8394
Make a Difference Day
On the third Saturday of October each year, St. Mary Immaculate parishioners engage in service projects held on parish grounds and in various communities, reaching out to others with the heart of Christ. The day begins with morning Mass and a special blessing of volunteers. The various service projects take place between 9:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Project sign ups start in September.
Pam Angelus, 815.436.2651 x849 or
Micro Food Pantry
The micro food pantry is located outside of the north entry doors. Non-perishable items may be left in the cabinet and anyone in need is welcome to take food at any time. Periodic notices will be in the parish bulletin to let people know what items are most needed. Thank you for your generosity.
Sarah Koplinski at 414.510.1033
Military Ministry
We are a support group for those who want to let our Troops know how much we appreciate their service and want our service men and women’s families to know they are not alone in this Journey. Working together, we will gain comfort in knowing that there are others on the same Journey. We can gain strength from one another. If you have a family member or friend serving in the military over-seas, please contact US so that our faith community may keep them in our prayers.
Maria Prekop at 312.259.6851 or
Parish Faith-Based Counseling
The diverse complexities and issues of our society and culture, combined with the needs of our parish community, have necessitated a Professional Pastoral Counselor. Since January 2001, St. Mary’s has provided an option for you to consider a person we recommend as a source for family and/or marital counseling needs. Counseling is a non-judgmental, safe way to look at choices, to see if the consequences of those choices are in alignment with values and goals. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
Joan Lopina, 815.919.2847
Pastoral Care
Acting on behalf of our parish, our ministry members will visit the sick of our parish, the aged, the infirmed and the homebound. This ministry extends our church to those parishioners that cannot attend Mass. It is our goal that no one
Pat Mander, 815.436.2651 x893
Pastoral Minister
The goal of Pastoral Ministering is to act as a catalyst for a healthy parish community. The focus is on personal health counseling, health education, appropriate referrals, support group facilitation, patient advocacy and integration of faith and healing.
Pat Mander, 815.436.2651 x893
Prayer Ministry Network
A book is located in the Narthex of the Church for anyone requesting prayers for those in need. Members of the ministry pray for those named in the book each week. The names are also included in our Mass Intentions.
Arlene Kauzlarich, 815.436.4398
Shepherd’s Table
On the second and third Thursday of every month, the members of the SMI Shepherd’s Table ministry meet in the St. Mary’s parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and then carpool to the shelter, where they prepare and serve lunch for guests of the shelter, using the food items already on hand at Daybreak. Preparation, service and clean up are usually complete by 12:30 p.m. This experience gives our parishioners an opportunity to have a direct impact on those in need. Additional members are always welcome to help with this rewarding ministry.
Chris McLawhorn at 815.436.8374 or
Special Needs Family Ministry
This Ministry serves a diverse population of families who have children with special needs.
Geri Morse, 815.436.2651 x840
St. Anne’s Sewing Circle
This ministry
Diane Ziemba, 815.609.9224
Mary Bornemann, 815.436.6617
Temple Tenders
A ministry of volunteers that gather Wednesday mornings after the 9:00 am Mass to clean and dust our Church. We take pride in making St. Mary Immaculate a welcoming, inviting place to worship. If you are interested in joining our team, just show up and plan to spend an hour or two in the Church.
Pam Carey at 815.474.1361 or