Adult Faith Formation
Adult faith formation ministries offer opportunities for enrichment in the faith lives of those 18 and older. Ministries and programming range from study courses which help you seek answers for questions you have about Catholic faith, to groups that pursue spiritual development. Adults participating in formation experiences will accompany one another in their journeys of encountering Christ.
Doug Muir, 815-436-2651 x889
Baptism Coordinators
Baptism Coordinators are volunteers needed to coordinate the baptism sacramental ceremony. Adult parishioners can enrich their faith life by answering a call to ministry. Training for Baptism Coordinators will be provided at St. Mary Immaculate.
Beata Moberg, 815.436.2651 x810
Baptism Preparation
The sacrament of Baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin and initiates us as members of the Christian community. It is the foundation of the sacramental life.
Parents seeking Baptism for their child are required to be registered parishioners at St. Mary Immaculate, and attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to setting the date for the Baptism. These classes are offered twice a month in English and once a month in Spanish. If you have attended a Baptism Class at St. Mary’s within the past three years, this requirement is waived. Children over the age of seven years are required to participate in our Religious Education Program to prepare for their Baptism.
Baptisms are held on the second and third Sundays of the month at 1:15 p.m. in English and on the fourth Sunday of the month in Spanish, with occasional exceptions due to the Liturgical calendar.
Margaret O’Leary, 815.436.2651 x803
Bible Study
Adult Bible Study is an important part of our adult faith life. Bible Study is more than learning about the Bible, how it came to be, and all the famous and infamous people between its covers. It should improve the way we live our daily lives and inform our relationships with God and others. It is a most critical way to build up our faith and prayer life. Adult Bible Study offers the opportunity to improve our personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit in six critical areas:
- Knowledge and faith: Scripture and sacred tradition form the essential elements of our faith. Both of these traditions will inform our relationship with God. Each study will improve our overall understanding of the Old and New Testaments.
- Liturgical life: Our experience and knowledge of the Bible will forever change our participation in Mass. The Old Testament readings, Psalms, New Testament readings, and Gospel selections will become more valuable as we learn the context of the readings and see the connection between all of them.
- Moral formation: Bible study will change us for the better. When we learn to see ourselves in these timeless stories, we will change; for we are the people of God and the characters in His story.
- Prayer: Our study of the Psalms and other books will change the way we pray and understand what we are praying!
- Communal life: We will make new friends and enjoy a new found companionship as we travel to our heavenly home together.
- Missionary Spirit: The Spirit will move us to reach out to others with our newfound knowledge. Our joy will be irrepressible.
Doug Muir at 815.436.2651, Ext. 889 or
Biblical Scholars
The Biblical Scholars group is comprised of graduates of the Biblical Institute of the Diocese of Joliet. Graduates of the program are invited each June to join this ministry. Membership is by invitation only. The Biblical Scholars continue their studies at an advanced level. This group meets via zoom on the first and third Saturdays of the month.
David Fiday at
Brothers in Christ
The Brothers in Christ is a group of men that gather together on Saturday mornings from 7:30 to 8:45 to discuss the readings for Sunday morning’s Mass and how they may relate to our lives.
The purpose of our ministry is to bring us to a closer relationship with God. We were born to know, love and serve God, and this ministry helps us to do these things.
Come and visit our ministry and see if it answers the need you have in your heart.
Dutch McCann at 815.436.8072 or Tom Krepelka at
First Saturday Devotion
In Reparation to the offenses to the Immaculate Heart of Blessed Mary, Most Holy, we gather after the 9:00 a.m. Mass at the church to pray the Holy Rosary on the First Saturday of each month to please Her petitions during Her Apparition at Fatima, in Portugal, for the Conversion of sinners.
We also have the privilege to offer our Praises and Thanksgivings to God Almighty during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for receiving the Benediction from His Only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sue O’Dwyer at 815-351-1791
First Saturday Devotion-Hispanic
We meet the first Friday of the month, beginning with Mass or a Communion Service at 9:00 p.m. in the Church.
Sergio Salas at 630.561.1194
Fishers of Men
The mission of this group is to help equip men of all ages to be committed disciples of Jesus Christ and better husbands, fathers and men in their local community through study of scripture, service, fellowship and spreading God’s word. Meetings are held every Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m.
Tom Ketelhut at 815.878.9717or
Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King Prayer Group
“From now on, I will think of you as my apostles.” (Jesus, Vol. 10, page 13) Lay apostles are key players in God’s plan to reclaim His world. Our mission is to allow Jesus to flow through us into the world, bringing His light to souls who live in darkness. All are invited to join us to hear the monthly message from Jesus to his apostles through Anne, the lay apostle. We also recite the Luminous Mysteries and follow with fellowship. Our gatherings are held in the Our Lady of Fatima Room (formerly room B & C) at SMI on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Come and pray with us!
Libby Runge at 815.577.6283
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the world, with well over 4 million active members, plus perhaps 100 million auxiliary members, in every country. In 2011 the Legion celebrated its 90th anniversary worldwide. Active in the US since 1931, it has been approved by every pope since its inception–each having given it their papal apostolic blessing & endorsed by the Second Vatican Council.

It makes its members better Catholics, first of all, through a balanced program of prayer and service in union with the Holy Spirit as He operates through Mary, Mother of the Church. Works include door-to-door evangelization, parish visitation projects, youth work, and other spiritual needs of the parish and community. It gives Catholics aged 18 and older an opportunity to do something positive for the Church while at the same time deepening their spiritual life and strengthening their Catholic Faith.
Members meet together once a week for prayer, study, planning and discussion in a family setting; they do a couple of hours of definite work each week in pairs and under the guidance of a Spiritual Director.
Any Catholic, young, not-so-young, single, married, retired, who would like to draw closer to Jesus and His Mother is welcome to give it a try.
You can get started by being a guest at a weekly meeting each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the North Wing Our Lady of Fatima Room, which is across from the Adoration Chapel.
Kate Mottl
Marriage Enrichment
This ministry provides continued support for married couples, whether your relationship is strong or struggling. Courses are offered at different times throughout the year for couples married for 2 or more years.
Doug Muir at 815.436.2651, Ext. 889 or
Marriage Preparation
When a couple seeks to be married at St. Mary Immaculate they must first meet with one of our priests to ensure there are no obstacles to celebrating the sacrament. After consulting with the priest, the date can then be set. Weddings must be scheduled at least six months in advance, and are not scheduled on Sundays. All engaged couples are required to participate in our Marriage Prep Program. Please do not make any reservations with a reception venue or any other vendor until you have met with a priest and your date is confirmed by the Parish Office.
Doug Muir, 815-436-2651, Ext. 889 or to make inquiries and/or begin the process in preparation for your wedding.
Men’s Catechism Circle
We study the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” through reading and discussing the Catechism. Men attending can feel free to ask questions or raise points for discussion. At the end of the session, we have a short practical lesson from the teachings of St. Jose Maria Escriva. We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:30 p.m. in the North Wing Our Lady of Fatima Room, across from the Adoration Chapel.
Dutch McCann at 815.436.8072 or Bryan Berry 815.740.1160
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which non-Catholics learn about the Catholic faith and way of life. It is a spiritual formation process culminating with entry into the Catholic Church with the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism (if not previously baptized in a Christian denomination), Confirmation, and the Eucharist. At St. Mary Immaculate, we welcome inquiries about this process at any time of the year. We also initiate baptized Christians into the Catholic Church at various times throughout the year, as each individual’s preparation process is tailored to their needs. Non-baptized people will be initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil after at least one full liturgical year of preparation.
To begin the RCIA process, an initial conversation with a team member will be scheduled to determine needs and outline a preparation plan. Please contact Doug Muir at 815.436.2651, Ext. 889 or, for more information.
***Note: If you are baptized Catholic but have not received First Communion or Confirmation, you would complete your Sacraments of Initiation through the RCIA process**
Sons of Thunder
The mission of this group is to help bring young men closer to God, in the leadership of Jesus, and to be a more perfect man, husband and father. Meetings are held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Christopher Schreck at 773.993.7364, or
Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group
Janet Rodas at 815.341.4820
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is something to experience, offering a holy pause; a time to reflect on how God is present in your daily life. This process can increase the capacity for gratitude helping to develop more mindfulness about your intentions and how God is reflected in those intentions. Spiritual direction invites you to realize more fully the intimacy of God and how that affects you. The value of this can be empowering, encouraging you to be the
person God calls you to be no matter what is happening in your life. A spiritual director encourages you to reflect, notice and respond. Typically, people meet with a trained, certified spiritual director once a month.
Laura Lies at 815.436.2651, Ext. 896
Women ‘s Bible Study
Our ministry provides women of our parish an opportunity to study scripture and learn how it can speak to you today. You can experience the gift of coming together to study scripture and share your faith journey! Women’s Bible study is a great way to meet other faithful women of our parish to share fellowship as you grow closer to Christ. All women are welcome to attend, no previous Bible study experience necessary. We offer both a morning and an evening session. You can watch the bulletin for registration information or go to the Parish website under Faith Formation.
Laurie Hovland at or Debbie Jaffray at