
St. Mary Immaculate Parish offers a wide range of adult education and enrichment opportunities for your spiritual growth.

There is truly something for everyone.

Check out the many varied programs below.

Also check our Facebook page for information as events get closer. Joining our parish email list (Evangelus at eva.us/smip) will also enable you to easily receive updates and registration information about upcoming programs. 
For more information about any of our Adult Faith Formation programs contact Dr. Doug Muir (dmuir@smip.org).

Director of Adult Formation
Contact: Dr. Doug Muir (815) 436-2651 ext. 889 or dmuir@smip.org

Interested in Becoming Catholic?

Adult Formation Opportunities at St. Mary Immaculate!


February 21-22, 2025 Grow closer to God than you’ve ever been before! Join Fr. James…

Becoming Catholic

Are you or do you know someone interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about…

At Home and Online Faith Formation Resources

Please consider taking advantage of the diocesan partnership with the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation sponsored by the University of Dayton.  Take any 8 week online course in faith formation (graded or not graded) at an extremely discounted rate.  The Diocese of Joliet subsidizes this opportunity so that as many of our parishioners as possible can take courses at their own convenience. Topics include biblical studies, Church history, sacraments, Catholic Social Teaching, Marianist studies, Evangelii Gaudium, Islam, ministry, and so many others!  Follow this link to learn more: https://vlcff.udayton.edu

Stay connected with all adult formation news from SMI!

Click Here to view the various Adult Formation Ministries.