CCW Happenings

CCW Happenings

Our first meeting was an Ice Cream Social Meet & Greet. Some business was taken care of, new and returning board members were introduced, some SMI staff members mingled in and lots of ice cream sundae making was going on! We had great attendance, and it seemed like everyone was happy to start this season off. The 2024-25 Board Members are Michele Bancroft, Treasurer; Susan Gutierrez, Secretary; Debbie Shimek, Vice President; Grace Blaszak, President.

Our second meeting will be on Thursday, October 3rd at 12:30 in the Faith Sharing/Harvester Rooms. October is Pro Life Month; Megan Barnhart will be telling us about the services Waterleaf offers pregnant moms and their new babies. We will be having a Baby Shower to benefit Waterleaf and our CCW ladies are asked to bring an item that would help them out. The “WATERLEAF WISHLIST” includes the following items:

Onesies, sleepers, receiving blankets, Baby Wipes, Gift Cards ($20/$25 denominations) for grocery stores, gas stations, Walmart, Target and Forever Postage Stamps.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our “Waterleaf Baby Shower”! LADIES OF THE PARISH – NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME!

For more information, contact Grace Blaszak at 773.727.0237 or gblaszak@sbcglobal.net