Isaiah 41: 10,13
Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand
For I, the Lord your God,
hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Do not fear,
I will help you.”
Fear, that ancient foe which all of humanity encounters. It can be traced back to the beginning, immediately after Adam and Eve’s Fall when God seeks them in the garden and they hide and reply, “I heard you in the garden, but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid.” So as a consequence of that Original Sin, all of humanity struggles with being afraid; you are not alone in this struggle!
The fear that generally consumes me begins with either “What if” or “Will I be able.”
What if………I get sick/I lose my job/my car won’t start/he leaves me/I don’t make the team/ I can’t find toilet paper/we can’t pay our bills/ we can’t return to school in the Fall…..and on and on.
Will I be able to……..provide for my family/see my grandkids again/meet with my friends/graduate/travel on a vacation/ sustain without receiving the Sacraments…..and on and on.
Someone much wiser than I told me about the ‘monkeys’ in our head that rouse up all sorts of questions, much like those above. He told me that first I had to recognize those ‘monkeys’ and then I had to toss them out to make room for the Lord’s voice. So I’ve found that when I repeat this phrase a few times and breath deep, it helps me open up that space for Jesus: “Faith and Fear cannot coexist at the same time; I choose faith.” Then once I’m calmer I pray with Jesus and ask him to carry this issue with me and that I trust in Him to handle it.
Here is a reflection that really moved me and I hope it may comfort you as well. It is written as if Mary, our Blessed Mother is speaking to us: My child, Jesus tell you: “Do not let your hearts be troubled…Trust in me….” If he tells you that, it means that it is possible for you to live in his peace. He does not say that troubling things won’t happen – they will. But in him, if you exercise your trust in him, you can keep your heart in peace, like a little child in its mother’s arms. He always holds you in his sure embrace. When troubles come, bring your heart back to the sure knowledge of his love and his wise providence. It is a mark of all true followers of Christ that they have learned to be steady in the storm; they have learned to rejoice in the depths of their souls even in the midst of tears. He is worthy of your trust. (The Better Part, by Fr. John Bartunek on John 14: 1-12)
Lord, I place this fear in your hands. There is no harm in your hands, only good. And whatever happens with or comes from this situation, if I am in the Lord’s hands, it is the Lord’s will and He will bring good from it. Jesus, I trust in you and surrender my life to you. Amen