Standing Work Order Complete this form to request resources for any recurring event in the parish. Distribution List(Required) Building Services Audio Technology Technology Liturgy Email Address of Other Person to Notify (if any) Requestor/Contact Name(Required)PhoneYour Email(Required) Event Name(Required)Location/Room(Required)Church (MUST be approved through parish office)Narthex (MUST be approved through parish office)North Wing Our Lady of Guadalupe RoomNorth Wing Our Lady of Fatima RoomCommonsGymCana EastCana WestFaith SharingHarvesterSt. Anne's RoomUpper RoomStewardshipUnityWeekly OnSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayMonthly OnFirst Monday? Second and Fourth Wednesday? The 17th of every month?Begin Date (MM/DD/YYYY)(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY End Date (MM/DD/YYYY) MM slash DD slash YYYY Set-up Start Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Cleanup End Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Door Unlock Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Door Lock Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM BUILDING SERVICESMain contact, Jason Gonzalez, 815-436-2651 x823, jgonzalez@smip.orgSet Up# of Round Tables Needed# of 8-foot Rectangular Tables Needed# of 6-foot Gray Rectangular Tables Needed# of Cafeteria Tables Needed# of Chairs NeededMove Commons Table Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Coat Rack Needed Yes # of Garbage Cans Needed# of Recycling Bins NeededNeed Bleachers Pulled Out Yes # of Easels NeededNeed a Podium Yes Other Needs (please explain)Equipment# of Extension Cords NeededProjection Screen Needed Yes AUDIO TECHNOLOGYMain contact, Heather Roerig, 815-436-2651 x805, of Corded Microphones Needed(Cana Hall only)# of Headsets Needed# of Handheld Cordless NeededNeed Sound Board Staffed by Parish Yes Audio Connection Church Cana Hall Gym iPod, CD player, etc. to sound systemCD Player Church Cana Hall Gym Stewardship Faith Sharing Need Tech Run Through Yes Heather will contact you to schedule.TECHNOLOGYMain contact, Jackson Brunsting, 815-436-2651 x838, — Please Note: A DVD Player is already connected to a TV in Our Lady of Fatima Room and St. Anne Room. There is also an Airtame in these rooms, which allows wireless connection from a device to the TV. A DVD player is connected to a projector in Faith Sharing and Stewardship.Technology Needed Chromebook LCD Projector Please note: wireless access to the internet is available through “SMIGuest”LITURGYMain contact, Beata Moberg, 815-436-2651 x810, bmoberg@smip.orgMove Blessed Sacrament to:ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNotesFile UploadAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, doc, docx, mov, mp4, avi, pdf, txt, rtf, Max. file size: 300 MB.Upload any images or diagrams for the setup. You can also upload additional notes.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.