40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life

March 5 – April 13

You can protect mothers and childrenby joining this worldwide mobilization to pray, fast and witness for an end to abortion! The 40 Days for Life Campaign has inspired 1,000,000+ volunteers!

  • Over 25,000 babies saved from abortion
  • Over 260 abortion workers converted
  • Over 150 abortion centers closed

PLEASE JOIN US for the ST MARY IMMACULATE PARISH VIGIL DATE on MARCH 8 and APRIL 12, anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. We will pray the Rosary at 10:00 a.m.. Sign up for prayer times by visiting the website: https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/aurorail

Vigil location: Outside Waterleaf Women’s Center across from Planned Parenthood, 3055 E. New York Ave, Aurora – Park behind Auto Zone

Contact the Reverence for Life Ministry Leaders with any questions: Don Hrdlicka at 630-415-6603 or Maureen Cole at 815-353-8334

Calling All Bakers!

Do you like to bake? The Friends of the Good Shepherd could use your help with making desserts for the at Fish Fry’s here at St. Mary Immaculate during the Lenten Season.

It is asked that all donated desserts be dropped off before 4pm.

Please make sure when dropping off to let us know your name and if there are any nuts or peanut butter in the product.

We ask that all desserts come in individually wrapped as well.

The fish fry dates:
March 7
March 14
March 21
March 28
April 4
April 11

Altar Server Training

Are you in fifth grade or higher? Do you want to become an Altar server? Are you already a server and want to learn more?

Come to one of our training sessions and learn about serving!

Altar Server I is for new servers and will teach the basics of serving and will allow you to practice as we walk through the Mass.

Altar Server II is for servers who have served at least six months and want to learn about serving at weddings and learning more advanced techniques, such as presenting the Missal and correct candle lighting.

When: Monday, March 10 OR Thursday, March 13
Time: Altar Server I from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Altar Server II from 8:00 to 8:30 PM
Where: Meet in the church

Questions: Bob Lighthiser at bob.lighthiser@iCloud.com or 630.965.1497

Micro Pantry News and Needs

A big THANK YOU to all our parishioners who have been helping us fill our micro-pantry. A team of parishioners also brings food to several nearby micro-pantries and areas of need in Joliet. We would love to get a steady stream of items to fill both our location and these others so that the needy throughout our area can access food. These are the items most frequently needed. You can leave them in bags under our existing micro-pantry at Door 6 on the north side.

  • Powdered Milk
  • Shelf Stable Milk
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Canned Fruit
  • Juice Boxes
  • Canned Soup
  • Snack Bars
  • Boxed Cereals
  • Any non-perishable food items

Financial donations to support the micro-pantries can also be made through the parish’s online giving. Father John is also looking for a volunteer or two to help keep our micro pantry clean and stocked. Anyone interested, please contact him at jregan@smip.org or call the parish office at 815-436-2651.

Daybreak Meal to Feed the Homeless

Food Donations Needed BY MARCH 4

Our next Daybreak Meal donation date is March 4th. We would greatly appreciate your help with donating various items for meal preparation.

If you would like to help, please sign up to donate an item at smip.org/daybreak by March 3. We ask that donated items please be brought to the Commons by Tuesday, Marcvh 4 at 10:00 a.m. for pick up that day. Perishable items should be marked and placed in the refrigerator in the parish kitchen.

Our meals are successful as a result of your generosity. Your participation is truly a way to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

Questions? Contact Chris McLawhorn at 815-436-8374 or Kathy Hall at 815-436-2729.