Join other parishioners for this four-week book discussion, starting on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. (after the 9 a.m. Mass).
As you grow older, you’ll find that life takes on a new rhythm, one where you can shed the responsibilities that once consumed your days. The hours at work and the bustling activities of parenthood or other vocations have now transformed into something different—a fresh chapter of life filled with new opportunities for reflection and growth. It’s your time to pivot and focus on how God will judge your life and how to make a final push for getting to heaven.
Through personal stories, humor, and practical advice, Michael Amodei—a lifelong Catholic with a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and the University of Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish—shares fourteen practices to help enrich your spirituality as you strive for heaven.
The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and receive him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. In his video-based study, A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri explores the roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. This fascinating tour of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
Join us for A Biblical Walk Through the Mass here at St. Mary Immaculate Parish, beginning September 25th from 9-11 am (via Zoom) or 7-9 pm (in person) and continuing for six weeks. For more information or to register for the study, call Dr. Doug Muir at 815-436-2651 ext 889 or via email:
WRM is an international organization that strives to create a place for women, not to escape from family life and work, but to experience a kind of leisure through friendship and literature, in order to go back into their lives with renewed vision and vigor. We hope you’ll join us!
Our small book group still has a few spots left before registration closes at the end of September. We will be discussing poems/essays from The Year of the Father’s reading companion for our first meeting.
Are you or do you know someone interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about our faith?
Have you been attending Mass with your spouse, a friend, or family member and would like to learn more about joining the faith and sharing in the full sacramental life of the Church?
Are you interested in becoming a Catholic?
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?
Are you unbaptized but recognize a need for spirituality in your life?
Are you baptized Catholic or baptized into another religion but never received any formal religious education?
Are you married to a Catholic and attend Mass but just don’t know what the next step is to become a Catholic?
Are you yearning for something more in your life?
Inquiry is the first step in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The RCIA could be just the thing you have been searching for. Inquiry is an open process. It is a time for you to discern God’s call in the context of the Catholic community. It is a place to ask questions. It is a place for you to decide if it is right for you to go forward in the RCIA process – no strings attached.
If you are a person who has never been baptized, or was baptized in another religion, and have a desire to become Catholic or if you are a baptized Catholic adult who has not made your First Holy Communion or Confirmation, you are invited to a Virtual Inquiry Night.
We will hold Virtual Inquiry Night for anyone interested in learning more about the process, on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 7PM.
Please email Dr. Doug Muir – to receive the Zoom Meeting ID.
Just come, listen and ask any questions you may have about the faith and the process necessary to be fully initiated into the faith.
If you have questions or can’t meet then but are interested please call Dr. Doug Muir, Director of Adult Faith Formation, 815-436-2651 x 889 or email: to set up a meeting and to answer any questions you may have.
Looking for Catholic content but don’t know where to turn? Well, you’re in luck! St. Mary Immaculate Parish has a Formed subscription for our parishioners due to the positive feedback and usage of these resources.
Formed is an online resource that provides Catholic digital content on-demand. Choose from a wide selection of movies, documentaries, apologetics, podcasts, talks, audiobooks, and more! Formed is family friendly, but is also authentically Catholic. Whether you are looking to do a deep dive about the faith, or are looking for a good movie to watch with the kids, there is something for everyone!
If you haven’t signed up for Formed, visit to register. It’s completely free! Once you’ve registered, you can browse hundreds of hours of Catholic digital content.